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Showing posts from 2013

Assassin's Creed Black Flag - Best Game Ever!

Assassin's Creed Black Flag has easily surpassed my previous favourite game (Mass Effect 2) and then some. Anyone with a sense of adventure, anyone who likes a hearty sea shanty before bed time, anyone who yearns for a good old-fashioned sea duel and a bit of looting along the Spanish Main should play this game. You can almost feel the salty spray on your face, or the shudder of your ship as enemy cannon balls crash through it (in fact you can actually feel that through the hand controller). And I guarantee you'll raise a hearty cheer the first time you swing onto the rigging of a Brig and air assassinate its captain. "But I'm waiting to get it on my next gen console..." I hear you whimper. "Arrr, those be mighty soft words for a pirate!" I reply (as one of my crew mates did to me only last night). I got the PS3 version, which also contained a voucher to download the PS4 version for $14.99 extra. Awesome value and I can play it NOW. And I have be...